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The New Rambler

The New Rambler comprises the edited transactions of the Johnson Society of London’s annual programme of papers delivered to the Society. The journal commenced publication in 1941 and has featured articles from Johnson scholars and eminent writers of global reputation, from G.K. Chesterton in its first decades to Beryl Bainbridge and David Crystal in recent years. The New Rambler also publishes reviews of scholarly volumes relating to Johnson and his circle and eighteenth-century subjects.

The present editor is Dr Catherine Dille, who is Associate Professor of History at Richmond American University London. 

The New Rambler Archive

The Society is now able to provide members and the global Johnsonian community with access to a large collection of previous editions of the New Rambler, dating from 1960-2000. 

Click on any date below to access the desired New Rambler edition. The document will appear on a separate browser tab or page. Documents may be printed from these pages.

An article index to all New Ramblers is provided later: please scroll down to access this.

Index of articles 1960-1969


W.R. Matthews, 'Address on Bishop Berkeley', p. 2

L.F. Powell, 'A Friend of Johnson: Dr. Birkbeck Hill', p. 4

Frederick Nixon, 'Our English Socrates', p. 11

Reviews: J. H. L[eicester] on Hilles, Frederick W. Hilles, (ed.), New Light on Dr. Johnson, p. 14

F. N. D[oubleday] on F. L. Lucas, The Search for Good Sense, p. 17

Notes, p. 17

Obituary: M. W. on Dr. Hurst, p. 19


Editorial: 'Edward Gibbon', p. 2

R.W. Ketton-Cremer, 'Commemorative Address', p. 5

Charles Parish, 'Johnson's Books and the Birmingham Library', p. 7

Maurice J. Quinlan, 'Johnson's Sense of Charity', p. 21

[Geoffrey] Tillotson, 'Johnson on Poetry - Chapter X of Rasselas' [in précis], p. 23

Reviews: H.A. Morgan on Boswell for the Defence, 1769-1774, p. 23

T.S. Blakeney on Donald J. Green[e], The Politics of Samuel Johnson, p. 26

F.N. Doubleday on D.M. Low (ed.), The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire By Edward Gibbon, p. 26

A.G. Dowdeswell on Bertram H. Davis, Johnson Before Boswell, p. 27

Notes, pp. 6, 22, 28


D.M. Low, 'Commemorative Address', p. 2

Russell Brain Bart, 'Dr. Johnson and His Doctors', p.4

F.N.D[oubleday], 'Edmund Malone', p. 12

A.R. Winnett, 'Trinity College, Dublin, in the Age of Johnson', p. 13

Malcolm Morley, 'No Apology for Colley Cibber', p. 25

Reviews: H.A. Morgan on Walter Jackson Bate, The Achievement of Samuel Johnson, p. 30

Theodora Roscoe on G.P. Gooch, French Profiles, p. 31

F.N. Doubleday on Robert Voitle, Samuel Johnson the Moralist, p. 32

1963 - January

W.R. Matthews, 'William Law', p. 2

John Hardy, 'Shakespeare - the Poet of Nature & Intellectual Nature', p. 10

W.S. Scott, 'The Pleasure Gardens and Their Place in the Social Life of London in the Age of Johnson', p. 20

M. Angèle, 'Samuel Johnson's View of the Catholic Church', p. 29

Notes, pp. 9, 28

Reviews [notices], p. 38

Obituary: G.P. Gooch on Theodora Roscoe, p. 38

F.N.D[oubleday] on F.C. Coleman, p. 38

1963 - June

H.A. Morgan, 'Commemorative Address', p. 2

F.W.M Draper, 'Topham Beauclerk at the Grove, Muswell Hill', p. 5

H.A. Morgan, 'Johnson in the Schools', p. 9

Sydney Roberts, 'Estimate Brown', p. 12

Editorial, '1963', p. 13

'Adam Fox' [notice of his retirement], p. 15

Reviews, F.N. D[oubleday] on George Watson, The Literary Critics, p. 16

F.N. D[oubleday] on Clarence Tracy (ed.), The Poetical Works of Richard Savage, p. 18

Notes: James Osborn, 'Malone & Johnson', p. 11, 20

1964 - January

Frederick Nixon, 'Commemorative Address', p. 2

R.W. Ketton-Cremer, 'William Cole, Friend of Walpole and Gray', p. 5

Arthur Johnston, 'Dr. Johnson, John Dyer and the Ruins of Rome', p. 11

Phyllis Rowell, 'The Women in Johnson's Life', p. 22

Obituary Notices: , F.N. D[oubleday] on T.D. Fitzgerald, p. 10

Frederick Nixon on William Kent, p. 28

Reviews, Geoffrey Tillotson on E.L. McAdam, Jr. and George Milne, Johnson's Dictionary, A Modern Selection, p. 29

Eric M. Bonner on C. Ryskamp, Boswell, The Ominous Years, 1774-1776, p. 31

F.N. D[oubleday] on John Butt, (ed.), The Poems of Alexander Pope, p. 32

J. H. Leicester on Henry Darcy Curwen (ed.), A Johnson Sampler, p. 34

Programme for Spring Session 1964, p. 30

Note, p. 4

1964 - June

J. H. Leicester, 'Dr. Johnson and Isaac Watts', p. 2

Lawrence C. McHenry, 'Medical Case Notes on Samuel Johnson in the Heberden Manuscripts', p. 11

'Johnson and Dr Burney, a Report', p. 16

Note: An Important Johnson Discovery, p. 10

Obituary Notice: W.H. Graham, p. 19

Reviews , A.R. Winnett on Maurice J. Quinlan, Samuel Johnson: A Layman's Religion, p. 20

F.N. Doubleday on Sydney Roberts (ed.), Samuel Johnson's The Lives of the Poets, p. 23.

Balance Sheet for 1963, p. 25

1965 - January

Mrs. Michael Waterhouse, 'Commemorative Address given in Westminster Abbey', p. 2

F.W.M. Draper, 'Johnson's Friend Baretti', p. 5

'The Johnson Club', p. 12

'A Correspondent', 'Dr. Johnson's Summerhouse', p. 18

Francis E. Skipp, 'Johnson and Boswell Afloat', p. 21

Review: Marguerite E. Dowdeswell on J.A. Cochrane, Dr. Johnson's Printer: The Life of William Strahan, p. 28

Notes, pp. 4, 17, 29

1965 - June

Helen Gardner, 'Johnson on Shakespeare', p. 2

H. Mac L. Currie, 'Johnson and the Classics', p. 13

Arthur Brown, 'James Lackington, Bookseller (1746-1815)', p. 28

Summary of W.W. Robson, a talk on 'T.S. Eliot as a Critic of Dr. Johnson', p. 42

Reviews: D.M. Low on John Carroll (ed.), Selected Letters of Samuel Richardson, p. 43.

Frederick Nixon on Charles G. Smith, Shakespeare's Proverb Lore, p. 44

J.H. Leicester on Roger Lonsdale, Dr. Charles Burney: A Literary Biography, p. 45

Obituary: Rolv Laache, p. 27

Notes, pp. 12, 41, 47

Balance Sheet for 1964, p. 48

1966 - January

'Lawrence Fitzroy Powell', p. 2

F.N. Doubleday, 'Commemorative Address', p. 4

Ross Wilson, 'Johnson and Gin', p. 7

James B. Misenheimer, 'Dr. Johnson on the Essay', p. 13

A.J. Sambrook, 'Dr. Johnson - Civil Engineer', p. 18

Reviews, Frederick Nixon on The Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson, Vol. VI: Poems, p. 6

Lewis Radon on R.T. Davies, Samuel Johnson, Selected Writings, p. 23

1966 - June

A.R. Winnett, 'Johnson and Hume', p. 2

George M. Kahrl, 'Garrick, Johnson, and Lichfield', p. 15

John I. McCollom, Jr., 'The Indebtedness of James Boswell to Edmond Malone', p. 29

Frederick Nixon, 'An Appreciation of the retiring Editor, the Rev. F. N. Doubleday', p. 46

Review, J.H. Leicester, on Paul Fussell, The Rhetorical World of Augustan Humanism: Ethics and Imagery from Swift to Burke, p. 46

Johnson Society Notes, pp. 45, 48

1967 - January

Ross Wilson, 'Commemorative Address', p. 2

Adam Fox, 'Johnson's Strictures Upon Pious Poetry', p. 4

W.S. Scott, 'Peg Woffington and Her Circle', p. 14

Ross Wilson, 'Dr. Johnson and Wine', p. 24

Obituary notice: A.G. Dowdeswell on Sir Sydney Roberts, p. 3

Notes, p. 13

1967 - June

Ian Jack, 'The Deserted Village', p. 2

Douglas Grant, 'Samuel Johnson: Satire and Satirists', p. 5

Lois M.G. Spencer, 'Johnson and Cowley', p. 18

'Johnson in Miniature?', p. 32

Duncan Isles, 'Johnson and Charlotte Lennox', p. 34

'Harlequin Rasselas': An extract from a lecture by Professor Mayer on 'Pantomime and Regency Taste', p. 49

Notes, pp. 4, 17, 51

1968 - January

A.R. Winnett, 'Commemorative Address', p. 2

R.W. Ketton-Cremer, 'Johnson and the Antiquarian World', p. 5

Obituary notice: Henry Angus Morgan, p. 11

James B. Misenheimer, 'Dr. Johnson on Prose Fiction', p. 12

Lester Goodman, 'Samuel Johnson's Review of Soame Jenyns' A Free Inquiry Into the Nature and Origin of Evil: A Re-examination', p. 19

T.S. Blakeney, 'Queen Charlotte: Fanny Burney's Employer' [Part I], p. 24

Review, H. MacL. Currie on Rachel Trickett, The Honest Muse: A Study in Augustan Verse, p. 37

Donald J. Winslow, 'The "Mr. Boswell" Exhibition', p. 38

Notes, pp. 11, 18, 37, 38, 40

1968 - June

T.S. Blakeney, 'Queen Charlotte: Fanny Burney's Employer' [Part II], p. 3

Geoffrey Bullough, 'Johnson the Essayist', p. 16

Obituary notice: A.G. Dowdeswell on Mr. Michael Waterhouse, p. 33

Reviews, H. MacL. Currie on Herbert Barrows (ed.), Hester Lynch Piozzi's Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey Through France, Italy and Germany, p. 34

Ross Wilson on J.P. Hardy, The Political Writings of Samuel Johnson, p. 36

L.F. Powell on J.D. Fleeman, A Preliminary Handlist of Documents and Manuscripts of Samuel Johnson, p. 38

Ronald, Mac Keith, 'The Death Mask of Samuel Johnson', p. 41

Notes, p. 48

Plates, pp. 2, 47

1969 - January

Richard Clements, 'Erskine for the Defence', p. 2

Douglas Woodruff, 'Dr. Johnson and his Catholic Contemporaries', p. 17

Obituary notice: F.W.M. Draper, p. 23

Obituary notice: G.P. Gooch, p. 23

Ross Wilson, 'The Dictionary and Drink', p. 24

Obituary notice: Oliver D. Savage, p. 43

Terence Brown, 'America and the Americans as seen in James Boswell's The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., and in the Letters of Johnson and Boswell', p. 44

Book reviews, Terry Belanger on Carl Brinitzer, Dr. Johnson und Boswell, p. 52,

J.H. Leicester on F.E. Halliday, Doctor Johnson and his World, p. 55

Notes, pp. 53, 56

1969 - June

Isobel Grundy, 'Some Unpublished Early Verse of Henry Fielding', p. 2

David D. Brown, 'Johnson and Pulpit Eloquence', p. 19

Lloyd B. Lacy, 'Samuel Johnson and William Lauder: Malevolence in the Criticism of Milton', p. 38

Leslie M. Thompson, 'Vanity Fair and the Johnsonian Tradition of Fiction', p. 45

Book Review, W.J. Bate (ed.), Samuel Johnson, Essays from the Rambler, Adventurer and Idler, p. 50

Programme of Meetings 1969/70, p. 51

Notes, pp. 18, 37, 44, 49

Index of articles 1970-1979

1970 – January

James H. Leicester, ‘Commemorative Address’, p. 2

J. Carter Rowland, ‘The Controversy Over Johnson’s Burial’, p. 5

Helen Forsyth, ‘Samuel Johnson: A Sonnet’, p. 11

John C. Bowmer, ‘Dr. Johnson and John Wesley’, p. 12

Review: David Brown on James Downey, The Eighteenth Century Pulpit: A Study of the Sermons of Butler, Berkeley, Secker, Sterne, Whitefield and Wesley, p. 26

Book notice, p. 28

Eric M. Bonner, ‘Lord Monboddo’, p. 29

Obituaries: Victor M. Halsted, R. W. Ketton-Cremer, Geoffrey Tillotson, p. 41

1970 – June

E.J Miller, ‘Wilkes and Johnson’, p. 2

Peter Cooper, ‘Dr. Johnson’s Chemistry and the Influence of Boerhaave’, p. 17

Review, H. Diack Johnstone on H. Edmund Poole (ed.), Music, Men, and Manners in France and Italy, 1770, p. 27

Brian W. Alderson, ‘Curiosity Gratified with Wonders – Children and the Experience of Literature’, p. 30

Ross Wilson, ‘Sidelights on Smuggling’, p. 38

Ross Wilson, ‘Loch Ness, Whisky and Dr. Johnson’, p. 41

Programme 1970-71, p. 44

1971 – Spring

F.M. Godgess Roper, ‘Commemorative Address’, p. 2

Review: J.H. Leicester on James L. Clifford, From Puzzles to Portraits: Problems of a Literary Biographer, p. 4

A.R. Winnett, ‘George Psalmanazar’, p. 6

James B. Misenheimer, Jr. ‘Samuel Johnson’s Life of Savage: A Survey’, p. 18

Jordan P. Richman, ‘The Political Sermons of Johnson and Swift’, p. 27

Obituary: Frederic Nicklin Doubleday, p. 42

Johnson Society of London Appointments, p. 44

Notes and Notices, pp. 4, 17, 41, 43, 44

1971 – Autumn

John L. Abbott, ‘Dr. Johnson and Dr. Hawkesworth: A Literary Friendship’, p. 2

‘Tetty Way’, p. 21

David Fong, ‘Johnson, Goldsmith, and The Traveller,’ p. 22

Margaret Bryan, ‘Johnson’s Use of English Names in the Periodical Essays’, p. 31

E. Ross A Wilson, ‘Brewing and Lichfield’, p. 39

Samuel E. Longmire, ‘The Critical Significance of Rambler 4’, p. 40

J.H. Leicester, ‘To Johnsonise the Land’, p. 48

Oliver D. Savage, ‘Trivia, 1941’, p. 50

1972 – Spring

James B. Misenheimer, ‘Commemorative Address’, p. 3

Isobel Grundy, ‘A Moon of Literature: Verse by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu’, p. 6

K.K. Yung, ‘The Association Books of Johnson, Boswell, and Mrs. Piozzi in the Birthplace Museum’, p. 23

Jill Rubenstein, ‘The Crisis of Identity in Fanny Burney’s Evelina’, p. 45

Raman Selden, ‘Dr. Johnson and the Tears of Heraclitus’, p. 51

Ronald E. McFarland, ‘”No Abolition of Slavery”: Boswell and the Slave Trade’, p. 55

Notes, pp. 22, 64

1972 – Autumn

James B. Misenheimer, Jr.,  ‘Samuel Johnson’s Christian Humanism and the Function of Literature’, p. 1

Ross Wilson, ‘Dr. Johnson, Henry Thrale and London Brewing’, p. 23

William C. Horne, ‘Violence in Hudibras and Hogarth’s Illustrations’, p. 49

Plate from Hogarth’s Graphic Works, p. 55

Note on Johnson’s Monument, p. 22

1973 – Spring

H. MacL. Currie, ‘Arthur Murphy, Actor and Author’, p. 2

Susan Miller Passler, ‘Arthur Murphy’s “Essay on the Life and Genius of Henry Fielding, Esq.”: Re-reading a Slighted Critic’, p. 15

Marlene R. Hansen, ‘The Happy Valley: A Version of Hell and a Version of Version of Pastoral’, p. 24

Richard R. Schwartz, ‘Johnson’s Vision of Theodore’, p. 31

Richard C. Frushell on Henry Pettet (ed.), The Correspondence of Edward Young 1683-1765, p. 40

John T. LaVia, ‘Johnson’s Moral Shock as Critical Norm’, p. 43

Notes, pp. 23, 39, 44


B.D. Cosgrove, ‘Samuel Johnson and the Supernatural in Shakespeare’, p. 1

Eric M. Bonner on E.L. Cloyd, James Burnett – Lord Monboddo, p. 22

Theodore L. Steinberg, ‘J & B: Learning to Love the Scotch’, p. 23

James S. Malek, ‘John Home’s Douglas: The Role of Providence’, p. 30

Carmen J. Pomponio, ‘Looking at Johnson’s Life of Dryden’, p. 35

Thomas R. Cleary, ‘Fielding’s First Assault on George Whitefield and Parson Adams’ “Good Turk”’, p. 40

Obituary: Walter Robert Matthews, p. 47

Notes, pp. 22, 46, 48


Graham W. Nicholls, ‘Radical Sam Johnson’, p. 2

Lawrence Fitzroy Powell Memorial Service, p. 9

Richard R. Reynolds, ‘Johnson’s Heroes Before The Life of Savage’, p. 10

Robert H. Tener, ‘R.H. Hutton and Samuel Johnson’, p. 16

Mary Kathryn Williams, ‘The Anti-Hero in The Beggar’s Opera’, p. 20

David K. Jeffrey, ‘Religious Metaphor in Humphry Clinker’, p. 26

Helen Forsyth, ‘Genius – A Definitive Exploration’, p. 29

Gordon P. Hoyle, ‘The Making of Boswellian Museum’, p. 35

Notes, pp. 38, 39, 40


J.S.G. Simmons, ‘Lawrence Fitzroy Powell, 1881-1975’, p. 3

Bertram H. Davis, ‘“Dear Cuz”: The Letters of Thomas Percy to William Cleiveland’, p. 11

James Gray, ‘A Balliol Rival to Dr. Johnson’s Tutor Cornelius Crawfurd’, p. 26

Samuel I. Bellman, ‘Patriotism and Scoundrels and Dr. Johnson: The Last Refuge’, p. 30

Willis J. Monie, ‘Samuel Johnson’s Contribution to the Novel’, p. 39

Dorothy Bilik, ‘Johnson Defines an Audience for the Dictionary’, p. 45

Annual Commemoration 1975, p. 49

Obituary: J.H. L[eicester] on Arthur Grant Dowdeswell, p. 50

Helen Forsyth, ‘Samuel Johnson: A Sonnet’, p. 51

Notes and Advertisements, pp. 38, 44, 51, 52


Lois G. Spencer, ‘Robert Dodsley and the Johnsonian Connexion’, p. 1

Kai Kin Yung, ‘“Poetic Harmony: -- Some Johnsonian Views’, p. 19

Annual Commemoration 1976, p. 32

Michael M. Cohen, ‘The Enchained Heart and the Puzzled Biographer: Johnson’s Life of Savage’, p. 33

Emily H. Patterson, ‘Family and Pilgrimage Themes in Burney’s Evelina’, p. 41

Charmaine Wellington, ‘Dr. Johnson’s Attitude Towards the Education of Women’, p. 49

Auchinleck Boswell Society, p. 58

‘Visit to St. Albans’, p. 58

Obituary: J.H. L[eicester] on Dr. Ronald Mac Keith, p. 59

Johnson Society of London: Presidency and Secretaryship, p. 60


Wendy Nelson-Cave, ‘Charlotte Lennox, First American Woman Playwright’, p. 3

Isobel Grundy, ‘On Reading Johnson for Laughs’, p. 21

‘The New Rambler: Golden Jubilee Issue 1928-1978’, p. 25

Peter Dixon, ‘Johnson and Goldsmith: Comic Theory and Comic Practice’, p. 26

A.R. Winnett, The Commemorative Address, p. 40

A.R. Winnett, ‘Johnson and the Irish’, p. 45

Notes and Advertisements, pp. 63, 64

1978 – Jubilee

Donald Greene, ‘James Lowry Clifford, 1901-1978’, p. 3

Philip Mahone Griffith, ‘The Eidolon of Hawkesworth’s Adventurer’, p. 15

Vincent Liesenfeld and Richard R. Schwartz, ‘Some Allusions, Foreign and Domestic, in Johnson’s London’, p. 19

Helen Forsyth, ‘Samuel Johnson: A Sonnet’, p. 27

James B. Misenheimer, ‘Samuel Johnson, Literary Theory, and the Value of Biography’, p. 29

‘The Johnson Society of London’, p. 37

‘The Golden Jubilee Dinner’, p. 41

‘The New Rambler’, p. 42

‘St. Edmund the King, Lombard Street’, p. 45

‘The Johnson Halfpenny’, p. 47

Notes and Advertisements, pp. 26, 28, 40, 48

Plates, pp. 2, 44, 46

Acknowledgements, p. 36


Frances Hodgess Roper, ‘Jane Eyre and Rasselas: The Influence of Dr. Johnson on Charlotte Bronte’, p. 2

‘The Boundaries of Streatham Park’, p. 9

Mrs. Donald Hyde, ‘The Library Portraits of Streatham Park’, p. 10

Annual Commemoration 1979, p. 24

Mrs. Donald Hyde, The Commemorative Address, p. 25

Book Notice, p. 26

Ross E. Wilson, ‘“… And A Mr. Offely … ”’, p. 27

Ross E. Wilson, ‘House Building on Coll and Tiree’, p. 30

Douglas Wollen, ‘Visit to Bromley Parish Church, Kent’, p. 33

The Streatham Park Doors, p. 33

Tilottama Rajan, ‘Nominal and Verbal Style in Johnson’s The Vanity of Human Wishes’, p. 34

Notes, pp. 32, 42

Index of articles 1980-1989


James B. Misenheimer, ‘Dr. Johnson and the Prose Genres’, p. 3

Ian Bartlett, ‘William Boyce: A Belated Bicentenary Tribute’, p. 16

Graham Nicholls, ‘The Wisdom of Johnson’s Shakespeare’, p. 17

Annual Commemoration 1980, p. 26

Oskar Wellens, ‘The Critical Review’s Reception of Dr. Johnson’, p. 27

E.D.M. Forbes, ‘“Three Halfpence and Twopence Halfpenny”: David Garrick and Samuel Johnson’, p. 40

E.D.M. Forbes, ‘Brief Chronology of David Garrick and Samuel Johnson’, p. 41

Notes: Visit to Wesley’s Chapel, House and Museum, p. 15

         Memorial Tablet to Dean Matthews, p. 39

         Garrick Portrait Acquired for the Nation, p. 46


Helen Forsyth, ‘Nothing of the Bear But His Skin’, p. 2

Annual Commemoration 1981, p. 18

J.D. Fleeman, The Commemorative Address, p. 18

J.D. Fleeman, ‘Editing Johnson’s Journey’, p. 19

Philip Mahone Griffith, ‘Short Fiction in Hawkesworth’s Adventurer (1752-1754), p. 21

Jim Steinke, ‘Boswell on the Grand Tour (Germany and Switzerland) 1764: Belle Epoque for the Man in Search of a Character, p. 29

John Wain, ‘A Reading from Frank Barber, A Play in Progress’, p. 42

Ursula Pye, ‘John Phillips – An Eighteenth-Century Hatter’, p. 43

Ross Wilson, ‘Lichfield: The Glory Without the Power’, p. 44

Notes: Obituary Notice: Miss Jean Hickling, p. 20

Academic Awards, p. 20


William Domnarski, ‘Samuel Johnson and the Law’, p. 2

Patrick D. Hundley, ‘Dr Johnson’s Theory of Autobiography’, p. 11

Obituary Notice: Mr Clifford Musgrave, p. 18

John MacInerny, ‘Johnson and the Art of Translation’, p. 19

Elizabeth Jenkins, ‘Dr Johnson and David Garrick – A Friendship’, p. 20

Cecil Farthing, ‘The England Johnson Visited’, p. 21

Anthony Vaughan, ‘Strangled with a Bow-String: A Clear Case of Character Assassination’, p. 21

Charlotte Graves Taylor, ‘Random Thoughts on Rasselas’, p. 22

Mary Webster, ‘Johan Zoffany’, p. 24

Ian Jack, The Commemorative Address 1982, p. 26

Ian Jack, ‘Johnson and Autobiography’, p. 28

Ronald E. McFarland, ‘Considering Boswell’s Poetry’, p. 30

Obituary Notice: Revd Leslie Whiteside, p. 18, 40

Notes, pp. 10, 19, 25, 28, 29


Stella Pigrome, ‘Gilpin and the Picturesque’, p. 3

Clarence Tracy, ‘Richard Graves (1715-1804): The Sprightly Author of The Spiritual Quixote’, p. 17

J.A. Downie, ‘Swift and Johnson: The Problems of the Life of Swift’, p. 26

Douglas Wollen, ‘Samuel Johnson and John Wesley: The Rough and the Smooth’, p. 27

Peter Stockham, ‘Growing up in Lichfield’, p. 27

Mark Kinkead-Weekes, ‘Dr Johnson on the Rise of the Novel’, p. 28

Annual Commemoration 1983, p. 30

James B. Misenheimer, The Commemorative Address, p. 31

James B. Misenheimer with Robert K. O’Neill, ‘The Cordell Collection of Dictionaries and Johnson’s Lexicographic Presence: The Love of Books in Two Centuries’, p. 33

Visit to Westminster Abbey, p. 48

Donald N. Cook, ‘The History of Johnson’s Summer-House’, p. 49

Obituary Notices: Rev Dr Eric Abbott, p. 47

            Miss A. Terry, p. 47

1984 – Commemoration

The Wreathe Laying 1984, p. 2

Frank Collings, ‘Dr Johnson and his Medical Advisers’, p. 3

William Ruddick, ‘Scott and Johnson as Biographers of Dryden’ p. 14

Helen Forsyth, ‘Samuel Johnson: A Sonnet’, p. 27

Leon Garfield, ‘Aspects of Eighteenth-Century Life’, p. 28

Geoffrey Lewis, ‘General Oglethorpe’, p. 29

Ross Wilson, ‘The Enigma of Port and Dr Johnson’, p. 30

John Kerslake, ‘Portraits of Johnson’, p. 32

Isobel Grundy, ‘The Stability of Truth’, p. 35

Martine Watson Brownley, ‘A Note of Gabriel Piozzi and his Wife’s Writing’, p. 45

Book reviews: Isobel M. Grundy on J.D. Fleeman, A Preliminary Handlist of Copies of Books associated with Dr. Samuel Johnson, p. 48

Isobel M. Grundy on Donald Greene (ed.), Samuel Johnson, p. 50

William Ruddick on Valerie Grosvenor Myer (ed.), Laurence Sterne: Riddles and Mysteries, p. 52

J.H. Leicester on Isobel Grundy (ed.), Samuel Johnson: New Critical Essays, p. 55

J.H. Leicester on Iain Finlayson, The Moth and the Candle: A Life of James Boswell, p. 57

J.H. Leicester on Kai Kin Yung et al, Samuel Johnson 1709-84, p. 59

‘The New Rambler “C” Serial’, p. 61

Commemoration Postcards and Souvenirs, p. 62

Johnson’s Statue, p. 64

Boswell’s Coffee House, p. 68

The Commemoration Year, p. 65

The Bi-Centenary Commemoration, p. 69

Notes and Acknowledgements, p. 26, 34, 47, 54, 60, 63


D.G. Wilson, ‘Ideas of Illness and Health – 200 Years of Change’, p. 3

G. M. Ditchfield, ‘Dr. Johnson and the Dissenters’, p. 5

J.W.P. Rogers, ‘Dr. Johnson and the English Eccentrics’, p. 7

Ross Wilson, ‘Clubs in the Johnson Age’, p. 8

James E. Reibman, ‘Dr. Johnson and the Law: An Enlightenment View’, p. 9

Jonathan Bate, ‘Johnson and Shakespeare’, p. 11

Christopher Ricks, ‘Dr. Johnson and the Falkland Islands’, p. 13

James B. Misenheimer Jr., ‘Johnson and the Critic as Idealist: Some Reflections on Famous Passages from his Criticism’, p. 16

Chris Reid, ‘Bottling Niagra: Speakers and Reporters in the Late Eighteenth Century House of Commons’, p. 33

David Nokes, ‘Johnson and Swift’, p. 35

Irma S. Lustig, ‘Boswell without Johnson: The Years After’, p. 36

Society Visits, p. 38

The Wreath Laying 1985, p. 38

Book Reviews, J.D. Fleeman on Lyle Larsen, Dr. Johnson’s Household, p. 39

         J.D. Fleeman on Ian Ousby, Literary Britain and Ireland, p. 40.

Ross Wilson, ‘A Note on The Robin Hood Society’, p. 42

G.J. Clingham, ‘A Note on Johnson’s Use of Two Restoration Poems in his “Drury Lane” Prologue’, p. 45


From the Editor, p. 2

Yvonne Noble, ‘The Gendering of Flowers and of Honey Bees in the Eighteenth Century’, p. 3, 21

Alan Shelston, ‘Johnson, Watts and Wesley’, p. 4

E. F. Carpenter, ‘Random Reflections’, p. 5

Michael Tree, ‘Johnson and the Anglican Tradition’, p. 6

Ross Wilson, ‘The Johnsonian Era Coffee Houses’, p. 15

Helen-Louise McGuffie, ‘The Harmful Drudge’, p. 17

O.M. Brack Jr., ‘Surviving as a Professional Author: The Case of Samuel Johnson’, p. 19

‘Society Visits’, p. 21

The Wreath Laying 1986, p. 21

Reviews: Rachel Trickett on Isobel Grundy, Samuel Johnson and the Scale of Greatness, p. 24

         Isobel Grundy on D. Greene and J.A. Vance, A Bibliography of Johnsonian Studies 1970-85, p. 25

William Fletcher, ‘Dr. Johnson and the Seven Provinces’, p. 27


From the Editor, p. 2

R.M. Frampton, ‘Jonas Hanway: A Philanthropist and Founder of the Marine Society’, p. 3

Ernest Heberden, ‘Dr Heberden and Dr Johnson’, p. 9

W.B. Hutchings, ‘Johnson and Juvenal’, p. 21

Nigel Wood, ‘Johnson’s Revisions to his Dictionary’, p. 23

Kate Sparks, ‘The Langtons of Lincolnshire’, p. 28

James Gray, ‘The “Athenian Blockheads”: New Light on Johnson’s Oxford’, p. 30

A.R. Winnett, ‘The Problem of Evil in the 18th Century: Dr Johnson and Soame Jenyns’, p. 46

Society Visits, p. 47

The Wreath Laying 1987, p. 48

Book Review: J.D. Fleeman on N. Page, Dr. Johnson, Interviews and Recollections, p. 48


From the Editor, p. 2

Douglas Wollen, ‘Dr Johnson in Wesley’s Letters and Journals’, p. 3

Isobel Grundy, ‘Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, “A Sister of the Quill”’, p. 5

Ken Edward Smith, ‘Johnson as Storyteller’, p. 14

Laura A. Payne, ‘The Success of Johnson’s Irene’, p. 27

James Gray, ‘Dr. Johnson and the Theatre’, p. 37

Michael Payne, ‘Imaginative Licentiousness: Johnson on Shakespearean Tragedy’, p. 38

The Wreath Laying, p. 49

The Diamond Jubilee Luncheon, p. 50

Leslie Martin, ‘Etna Enrag’d: Giuseppe Baretti, 1719-89’, p. 53

Book reviews: Isobel Grundy on Charles H. Hinnant, Samuel Johnson: An Analysis, p. 62

         Laura Payne on Suzanne Bloxam, Walpole’s Queen of Comedy: Elizabeth Farren, Countess of Derby, p. 63

Books Received for review, p. 65

Obituary: Canon A.R. Winnett, p. 65

Index of articles 1990-1999


From the Editor, p. 2

Jan Fergus, ‘The Provincial Buyers of Johnson’s Dictionary and Its Alternatives’, p. 3

Laura Payne, ‘Hammond, Johnson, and the Most Difficult Book in the World’, p. 5

Isobel Grundy, ‘Celebrare Domestica Facta: Johnson and Home Life’, p. 6

James H. Leicester, ‘The Snail on the Wall: The Cultural Influence of China on 18th Century England’, p. 14

James B. Misenheimer, ‘Intellectual Eclecticism: A Ramble Through The Rambler’, p. 16

Morris R. Brownell, ‘A Bull in the China Shop of Taste: Johnson’s Prejudice Against the Arts’, p. 28

Michael Payne, ‘Johnson vs. Milton: Criticism as Inquisition’, p. 31

David Nokes, ‘John Gay: Poet of Town and Country’, p. 44

The wreath-laying, p. 44

Book reviews: Isobel Grundy on Paul J. Korshin (ed.), The Age of Johnson: A Scholarly Annual, p. 45

         C.T. Davis on Frederick J. Pottle (ed.), James Boswell, Boswell’s London Journal 1762-3, p. 47


From the Editor, p. 2

G.W. Nicholls and R.W. White, ‘Young Samuel Johnson and his Birthplace’, p. 3

K.E. Smith, ‘Johnson and Fanny Burney’, p. 3

James Gray, ‘Some Thoughts on the Eighteenth Century Response to Miracles’, p. 4

J.H. Leicester, ‘James Boswell – A Personal Appreciation’, p. 5

Claire Lamont, ‘Johnson and Eighteenth Century Images of Scotland’, p. 9

Carolyn Misenheimer, ‘Dr Johnson and Charles and Mary Lamb’, p. 23

David Fairer, ‘Thomas Warton and his Friends’, p. 36

The Wreath-Laying, p. 36

Reviews: J.D. Fleeman on Catherine N. Parke, Samuel Johnson and Biographical Thinking, p. 38

         J.P.W. Rogers on Anthony E. Brown, Boswellian Studies: A Bibliography (3rd edn), p. 40

Occasional Papers:

J.S.W. Rogers, ‘Johnson’s Lady Frances’, p. 41

Daisuke Nagashima, ‘Progressive or Conservative? Two Trends in Johnson Studies’, p. 42

David Fairer, ‘Dr Johnson’s Gift to Trinity College Library and the Dating of Letter 318’, p. 47

Addendum to Volume D VI of The New Rambler: David Nokes on John Gay, p. 49


From the Editor, p. 2

T.J. Murray and James Gray, ‘Dr James and Dr Johnson’, p. 3

Sally N. Hand, ‘“The Finest Bit of Blue”: Samuel Johnson and the Bluestocking Assemblies’, p. 6

Philip Howard, ‘Dr Johnson: The Perfect Professional Fleet Street Hack’, p. 18

Anthea Hopkins, ‘“The Dangerous Distinction of Authorship”’, p. 21

William Ruddick, ‘Samuel Johnson, Picturesque Tourist: His 1774 Travels with the Thrales’, p. 24

W.L. Fletcher, ‘Winckelmann and the English’, p. 26

G.M. Ditchfield, ‘Dr Johnson’s Derbyshire Connections’, p. 30

R.G. Fricker, ‘A Backdrop of Pipers’, p. 42

The Wreath Laying, p. 47

Book Reviews: Isobel Grundy on Pat Rogers, Johnson and Eithne Hensen, The Fictions of Romantick Chivalry, p. 48

Isobel Grundy, ‘A note on The Vanity of Human Wishes and Hamlet’, p. 51


From the Editor, p. 2

Peter Street, ‘“A Curious Mix of Show”: London Pleasure Gardens in the 18th Century’, p. 4

Jonathan Bate, ‘Johnson, Garrick and Macbeth’, p. 8

J.H. Leicester, Mrs A.G. Dowdeswell and Stella Pigrome, ‘Dr Johnson and his Friends’, p. 13

Hugh Douglas, ‘Highlanders and Heroines: Dr Johnson’s Meeting with Flora MacDonald’, p. 15

Claire Lamont, ‘“The Final Sentence, An Unalterable Allotment”: Johnson and Death’, p. 21

Martin Clout, ‘Hester Thrale and the Globe Theatre’, p. 34

James Misenheimer, ‘Dr Johnson and the Ascent to Immortality’, p. 51

Valerie Grosvenor Myer, ‘Dr Jonson, Fanny Burney and Jane Austen’, p. 66

The Wreath Laying, p. 79

In Memory of David Fleeman, p. 81

Occasional Papers:

Brian Hanley, ‘Colonel Gimbel and the “Literary Anvil”: or Why Dr Johnson’s Letters belong to the U.S. Airforce Academy’s Aeronautical Collection’, p. 83

Donald Greene, ‘Progress towards where? Conservation of what?’, p. 88

Book Reviews: Valerie Grosvenor Myer on Robert Halsband and Isobel Grundy (eds), Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Essays and Poems and Simplicity and on Isobel Grundy, Lady Mary Pierrepont’s Indamora to Lindamira, p. 103


From the Editor, p. 2

W.B. Hutchins, ‘Johnson’s Life of Pope: Morality and Judgment’, p. 3

Susan Watkins, ‘“My Dear Dr. Johnson”: The Link Between Jane Austen and Dr. Samuel Johnson’, p. 14

Nigel Wood, ‘“Finding Genius in the Sports of the Field and Among the Manufacturers in the Shop”: Johnson’s Interest in Shakespeare’s Linguistic Diversity’, p. 21

Roy Porter, ‘Drawing on One’s Capital: Hogarth’s London’, p. 21

Phoebe Killey, ‘A Twentieth Century Journey to Scotland in the Footsteps of Johnson and Boswell’, p. 27

Elizabeth Lambert, ‘Samuel Johnson’s Relationship with Edmund Burke’, p. 32

Roger Robinson, ‘“We all love Beattie”: The Truthful Minstrel in the Johnson Circle’, p. 39

James Basker, ‘Samuel Johnson and the African-American Reader’, p. 47

The Wreath-Laying, p. 57

Occasional Papers:

Andrew Sandlin, ‘Samuel Johnson’s, “Late Conversion” Re-evaluated in View of the Published Sermons’, p. 57

‘A reader’, ‘More on Lady Frances (The New Rambler 1991/2), p. 63

Gina Berkeley, ‘Verses after Dr. Johnson’, p. 64

Book Reviews: Valerie Grosvenor Myer on Joseph F. Bartolomeo, A New Species of Criticism: Eighteenth Century Discourse on the Novel, p. 64

Graham Nicholls on Arthur Sherbo, Samuel Johnson’s Critical Opinions: A Re-Examination, p. 65

Catherine Dille on Bruce Redford, The Letters of Samuel Johnson (Vols IV and V), p. 66

Hugh Douglas on Pat Rogers, Johnson and Boswell: The Transit of Caledonia AND Joseph W. Reed and Frederick Pottle (eds), Boswell, Laird of Auchinleck 1778-1782 (Yale Editions of the Private Papers of James Boswell), p. 68

Brian Hanley on Charles H. Hinnant: ‘“Steel for the mind”: Samuel Johnson and Critical Discourse, p. 70


From the Editor, p. 2

Richard Thrale, ‘The Hertfordshire Thrales and the Streatham Family’, p. 3

Christopher Reid, ‘Foiling the Rival: Argument and Identity in Sheridan’s Speeches’, p. 10

Stephen Tumim, ‘An Aspect of Dr Johnson’, p. 18

Brian Todd, ‘A Man Led by a Bear: Dr Johnson’s Relationship with Boswell’s Wife Margaret Montgomery’, p. 23

Mary Waldron, ‘Mentors Old and New; Samuel Johnson and Hannah More’, p. 29

Claire Lamont, ‘Dr Johnson’s Influence on Jane Austen’, p. 38

John Craig, ‘Numeracy and Dr Johnson’, p. 47

The Wreath-Laying, p. 54

In Memoriam: Trevor Russell-Cobb 1918-1996, p. 55

Occasional Papers: Brian Hanley, ‘Johnson’s Contemporary Reputation’, p. 56

Book reviews: Christopher Reid on John Cannon, Samuel Johnson and the Politics of Hanoverian England, p. 62

Eithne Henson on Isobel Grundy (ed.), Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: Romance Writings, p. 63

Brian Todd on Boswell’s Journal of the Tour to Corsica, p. 65

Susan Catto on Isobel Grundy (ed.), Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: Selected Letters, p. 66


From the Editor, p. 2

Valerie Rumbold, ‘Mrs Thrale Leaves Home: Closed Circle and Expanding Horizons in Hester Lynch Piozzi’s Anecdotes of Dr Johnson’, p. 3

Anne McDermott, ‘Preparing the Dictionary for CD ROM’, p. 17

Conor Cruise O’Brien, ‘Dr Johnson and Edmund Burke’, p. 25

David Harley, ‘Johnson and Neo-Hippocratic Medicine’, p. 32

Brian Hanley, ‘The Prevailing Moral Tone of Johnson’s Military Commentary’, p. 39

Richard Fricker, ‘An Encore of Pipers’, p. 45

Peter Strickland, ‘Samuel Johnson the Poet’, p. 46

The Wreath-Laying, p. 52

In Memoriam: Donald Johnson Greene, p. 52

Book reviews: Frank Lelièvre on Barry Baldwin, The Latin and Greek Poems of Samuel Johnson, p. 53

Claire Lamont on Valerie Grosvenor Myer, Obstinate Heart: Jane Austen, A Biography, p. 55

Matthew M. Davis on The Cambridge Companion to Samuel Johnson, p. 56


From the Editor, p. 2

James McLaverty, ‘Dr Fleeman’s Bibliography of Samuel Johnson, p. 3

Linda Bree, ‘Sarah Fielding: Woman of Letters’, p. 13

P.D. James, ‘The Moral Responsibility of the Novelist’, p. 25

K.E. Smith, ‘Despair and its Antidotes in Cowper and Johnson’, p. 33

Alan Downie, ‘Johnson’s Politics’, p. 41

Warren Chernaik, ‘Johnson and the Imagination’, p. 42

Peter Dixon, ‘Goldsmith and Johnson’, p. 50

The Wreath-Laying, p. 58

In Memoriam: The Very Revd Dr Edward Carpenter, p. 58

Occasional Paper: James F. Woodruff, ‘Two More Johnson Pieces in the Universal Chronicle?’, p. 59

Book reviews:

Anne McDermott on Pat Rogers, The Johnson Encyclopedia, p. 71

Catherine Dille on Kathleen Nulton Kemmerer, ‘A Neutral Being Between the Sexes’: Johnson’s Sexual Politics, p. 73

Richard Thrale on Lee Morgan, Dr Johnson’s ‘Own Dear Master’: The Life of Henry Thrale, p. 74

Michael Bundock on Lawrence Lipking, Samuel Johnson: The Life of an Author, p. 75


From the Editor, p. 2

John Craig, ‘Johnson and Economics’, p. 3

Thelma L’Estrange, ‘Wicked Women – or Were They?’, p. 15

Frank Delaney, ‘The Devout Dr Johnson’, p. 16

Marina Frasca-Spada, ‘Books and the Imagination: Arabella, David Hume and the Eighteenth-Century Readers of History and Fiction’, p. 23

Natasha McEnroe, ’17 Gough Square’, p. 32

Karin Fernald, ‘Fanny Burney and the Witlings’, p. 38

Loraine Fletcher, ‘Charlotte Smith and the Lichfield Two’, p. 51

The Wreath-Laying, p. 62

In Memoriam: John Comyn, p. 62

Occasional paper: ‘An Association Copy of Mrs Piozzi’s Anecdotes’, p. 63

Reviews: J.T. Scanlan on Thomas Curley, Sir Robert Chambers: Law, Literature and Empire in the Age of Johnson, p. 68

Eithne Henson on Isobel Grundy, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: Comet of the Enlightenment, p. 70

Allan Ingram on Peter Martin, A Life of James Boswell, p. 71

Michael Bundock on Leo Damrosch (ed.), Major Authors on CD-ROM: Samuel Johnson and James Boswell, p. 73


From the Editor, p. 2

Peter Street, ‘Slavery in the Eighteenth Century’, p. 3

Kenneth Kemp, ‘John Hoole: Translator, Playwright and East India Company Auditor’, p. 8

Richard Harries, ‘Johnson and Unbelief’, p. 11

John Cresswell, ‘The Streatham Johnson Knew’, p. 28

Gabriel Woolf, ‘Johnson and the Theatre’, p. 28

Graham Nicholls, ‘Johnson Reads for the Dictionary’, p. 29

Kate Chisholm, ‘Terry Johnson’, p. 35

The Wreath Laying, p. 36

In Memoriam: David Parker, p. 37

Dr Johnson’s House Appeal, p. 37

Occasional Papers: Stephen Miller, ‘Why Read Samuel Johnson?’ p. 38

Barry Baldwin, ‘Samuel Johnson and Lincolnshire’, p. 46

Book reviews: Isobel Grundy on J.D. Fleeman, A Bibliography of the Works of Samuel Johnson, p. 49

Philip Smallwood on Kevin Hart, Samuel Johnson and the Culture of Property, p. 50

K.E. Smith on David F. Venturo, Johnson the Poet: The Poetic Career of Samuel Johnson, p. 52

James Gray on Ian McIntyre, Garrick, p. 54
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